Welcome To FBC !

We want to welcome you to our church website and extend a warm invitation to come out to our church service on Sunday Morning.Contact Form

What To Expect

Sunday Service 

Our Service has a wide range in music from traditional Organ music to Saxaphones, Acoustic Guitars and Electric Guitars.  We use the gifts of the people that we have in our church and because of the range each week is a bit different.  When you come feel free to join in or sit back and enjoy. We want you to feel comfortable.  Dress is casual so come as you are. Jeans are just fine too.

Sunday School

Children are to register in the Christian Education Building, where they will be given a name tag and parent security tag. Classes for children in Grades 1-5 are held in the CE Building from 9:30 – 10:15 am. After which they will join their parents in the sanctuary for the main church service. Classes for Preschool, JK & SK children are also held in the CE Building, but during the main service, starting @ 10:30 am. Ages 3 to 12 are welcomed by loving and dedicated teachers, excited to share the gospel of Christ with your children.


We provide nursery care for families who wish to use this service. The nursery is located in the Christian Education Building. Please ask an usher for directions.  We have responsible caring people that take care of this delicate ministry.  With more information on this service please contact the church office during office hours.  See under Location.


You can find parking across the road (Fox street) from the church in the municipal lot.  This parking is free.


Come in through our side door to access our elevator or stairs to our main sanctuary or come through our front doors up the stairs.

Watch Live every Sunday

Can’t make it on Sunday?    We still would love for you to join us.

Watch Live Online


Main Office
3 Fox Street
Leamington, Ontario
N8H 4W9
p. 519.326.5491

Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday: 9am to 1pm